
Bone Management with PRF & Sticky Bone

The ultimate course with Dr. Joseph Choukroun the inventor of PRF Techniques

21st June 2025, London

Danubius Hotel Regents Park, London NW8 7JT

Master Regenerative Techniques in Dental Implantology & Bone Augmentation. Enhance Healing and achieve Predictable Outcomes with PRF and Sticky Bone

Lecture & Hands-On Training

Early Bird discount



Join Dr. Joseph Choukroun, the pioneer of Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF), for a transformative course. This program not only focuses on cutting-edge PRF techniques but also explores the biological principles of Bone and Soft tissue regeneration, Peri-implantitis management, and strategies for Implant success. This course provides a perfect blend of utilising PRF techniques in dental Implantology and a deeper understanding of regenerative biology to enhance your clinical outcomes.

With over 25+ years of clinical and biological experience, Dr. Joseph Choukroun is the leading expert to guide you through mastering PRF techniques and their applications in dental implantology and oral surgery.

Course Highlights:

    1. Latest Updates on PRF

    • Blood collection & PRF preparation: Clots, membranes, plugs, patches.
    • Applications: Socket preservation, Sinus lifts, Bone grafting, and Soft tissue management.

    2. Guided Open-Wound Healing with PRF

    • Immediate implant placement after extraction.
    • Managing soft tissue deficiencies during healing.

    3. Bone Management in Sockets & Around Implants

    • Osteo-immunology: Immune system’s role in bone formation.
    • Biomaterial selection for optimal healing.
    • Sticky Bone techniques for faster bone regeneration.
    • Suturing techniques for enhanced soft tissue healing.
    • Successful implant placement in bone grafts

    4. Peri-implantitis as an Immune Disease

    • Understanding immune mechanisms behind implant bone loss.
    • Effective strategies for managing peri-implantitis.

    5. Hands-On Training

    • Phlebotomy and blood drawing.
    • Sticky Bone preparation and application for sockets and grafts.

    ,,We had such an amazing time meeting Dr. Choukroun, inventor of PRF Systems. With the objective of accelerating soft tissue and bone healing, Platelet Rich Fibrin assists in healing and recovering from dental procedures, from dental surgeries and tooth extractions. A great development to the dental industry.”

    7.5 hours Verifiable CPD

    Hands-on Courses

    World-Renowned Speaker

    What is PRF & Sticky Bone?

    PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) is a blood clot prepared from the patient’s own blood, rich in platelets, growth factors, stem cells, and white blood cells. It acts as a natural bioactive barrier, promoting tissue regeneration, wound healing, bone growth, and new blood vessel formation.

    Sticky Bone is created by combining PRF with bone graft particles, forming a cohesive, moldable material ideal for bone augmentation and regeneration.

    With a platelet concentration 10 times higher than normal blood, PRF and Sticky Bone are essential tools for predictable healing and regeneration in modern dentistry.

    Who is this Course For?

    This course is tailored for implant dentists and oral surgeons who aim to:

    • Learn concepts, clinical techniques, and practical tips and tricks for effective bone and soft tissue management
    • Manage Peri-implantitis and learn strategies for Implant Success
    • Predictably accelerate wound and tissue healing
    • Stimulate bone and soft tissue regeneration


    1. The latest updates on PRF:

    • Blood collection techniques.
    • PRF preparation with PomPac to maximize fibrin size: clot, membrane, patch, plugs, and punched.
    • Indications of PRF in Implantology: socket preservation, soft tissue management, sinus lift, bone grafting, and immediate loading.
    • Biology of wound healing, growth factors, and the science behind Platelet Rich Fibrin.
    • A new strategy for immediate implant placement after extraction and in cases of insufficient soft tissues.

    2. Bone management in sockets & around implants:

    • Osteo-immunology: Understanding how the immune system controls bone formation and regulates bone resorption.
    • Selection of biomaterials according to immune response to avoid oxidative stress.
    • Role of sticky bone in accelerating bone formation.
    • Influence of suture techniques on soft tissue healing and wound closure. Specific suture protocols to increase keratinized tissue volume and prevent tension.
    • Techniques for placing implants in bone grafts.

    3. Guided Open-Wound Healing with PRF

    • Immediate implant placement after extraction.
    • Managing soft tissue deficiencies during healing.

    4. Peri-implantits is an immune disease:

    Scientific rationale: immune mechanisms and solutions to prevent bone loss around implants.

    5. Hands-on & Demonstration:

    • Phlebotomy and preparation of PRF membranes, plugs, liquid PRF, and sticky bone.
    • Application of sticky bone in sockets.
    • Presentation of clinical cases and detailed protocols.

    Dr. Joseph CHOUKROUN

    Inventor of PRF Techniques

    • Inventor of the PRF techniques: L-PRF, A-PRF, i-PRF, iPRF+, SPRF, (Choukroun PRF protocols)
    • President of SYFAC, International Symposium on Growth Factors
    • Researcher at Department for Oral, Cranio-Maxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgery
    • 25+ years of clinical and biological experience
    • Author of several scientific papers
    • International Speaker
    • Owner of Pain Clinic in France
    PRF dental course in London with the inventor of PRF Dr Joseph Choukroun


    Danubius Hotel Regents Park

    18 Lodge Rd, London NW8 7JT

    The venue is located in the very heart of the London overlooking Regents Park and Lord’s Cricket Ground. 
    Being just a 10 minute walk from St. John’s Wood tube station, the hotel is easily accesible. Parking is possible on site. Parking charges are £35 for 24Hrs or £4.50 per hour. 

    Don't miss out on the Early Bird Discount

    valid for a limited time only





    Highlights from our previous PRF Courses

    (If unable to view the images, please try refreshing the page)

    Learning Objectives

    • Learn PRF preparation and its application in dental implantology, bone grafting, and oral surgery for enhanced healing and regeneration.
    • Understand the biological principles behind long-term bone and soft tissue stability in dental implantology.
    • Explore osteoimmunology: the immune system’s role in osseointegration and bone formation.
    • Examine the effects of oxidative stress on bone metabolism, resorption, and implant longevity.
    • Learn effective strategies for the prevention and treatment of peri-implantitis and managing marginal bone loss.
    • Hands-on practice: perform blood drawing and prepare PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) using advanced protocols for membranes, plugs, and sticky bone.


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