
Master Sinus Lift: Essential Techniques & Complication Management

with Prof. Puria Parvini

Deputy Director at the Department of Implantology at Goethe Frankfurt University

25-26 April 2025, London

Danubius Hotel Regents Park, London NW8 7JT

Step-by-step Sinus Lift Techniques. Prevention & management of Complications.

Hands-on practice with Piezosurgery & surgical motors.

Early Bird Offer

ends 28th February



Course Highlights

  • Comprehensive Training: Delve into all stages of sinus lift procedures, from treatment planning to the execution of diverse surgical approaches.
  • Sinus Lift Techniques: Gain practical insights into key surgical methods, including the Lateral, Crestal, and Piezo augmentation techniques.
  • Membrane Perforation Repair: Acquire proficiency in repairing Schneiderian membrane perforations, a critical aspect of ensuring successful outcomes.
  • Complication Management: Learn systematic approaches to identify, prevent, and manage complications that may arise during Sinus lift procedures.

Our 2-day hands-on Sinus Lift Course is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and practical experience needed to address challenges such as posterior maxilla resorption, sinus pneumatization, and effective complication management in sinus lift procedures. Participants will learn sinus lift techniques step-by-step and gain valuable hands-on experience using Piezosurgery and surgical motors.

With 20 years of academic teaching experience in Implantology, Prof. Puria Parvini is the expert to guide you through mastering sinus lift techniques and complication management.

14 hours Verifiable CPD

Hands-on Courses

Expert Speaker

Early Bird discount ends in









Part I.


  • Anatomy of the sinus and the surrounding structures

  • CBCT evaluation and treatment planning for predictable sinus grafting

  • Flap design

  • Crestal sinus lift and bone splitting

  • Lateral window technique with different instrumentations

  • Sinus floor elevation from the palatal side

  • Hydrodynamic Piezosurgery sinus elevation

  • The Schneiderian membrane – practical tips on how to elevate it

  • Sinus Augmentation graft materials and surgical techniques

  • Preparation techniques of the implant site with low residual bone height

  • Combination with lateral augmentation

  • Sinus floor augmentation without bone grafting

  • Complex techniques for posterior maxillary reconstruction

  • Contraindications for sinus lift


practice of techniques on models and sheep jaws with Piezosurgery


Part II.


  • Rare anatomical features

  • Bleeding risks due to arterial blood vessels in the lateral bony wall of the sinus

  • Membrane perforations

  • Polyps, mucoceles, Procedure for transversal and sagittal septa, external floor elevation after previous ENT- Treatment

  • medical interventions, endoscopically monitored sinus lift


Preoperative complications

    • Preoperative acute, chronic and fungal sinusitis
    • Preoperative cystic structures and mucoceles

Intraoperative complications in implant placement

  • Sinus floor perforation
  • Bleeding

  • Dislocation
  • Aspiration or ingestion of foreign objects
  • Perforation of the sinus membrane during elevation
  • Bleeding during membrane elevation
  • Presence of a mucus retention cyst
  • Blockage of the maxillary ostium

Postoperative Complications

  • Postoperative pain

Complications associated with lateral window sinus elevation

  • Acute graft infection/sinusitis
  • Chronic infection/sinusitis
  • Delayed implant migration into the sinus cavity


Prof. Puria Parvini

Oral Surgeon, MSc. Periodontology, MSc. Implantology 

  • Professor, Clinical Lecturer & Supervisor of the Master of Science academic program in Oral Implantology: Extensive experience in both teaching and supervising advanced Implantology at a master’s level.

  • Chief Senior Physician at Goethe University Hospital in Frankfurt (Carolinum): Regularly handles complex and challenging implant procedures referred to his department.
  • Tutor & Supervisor at the Anatomical Institute (Human Cadaver Course) of the University of Vienna: Expert in anatomy and implant surgery with nearly 20 years of teaching experience.


Danubius Hotel Regents Park

18 Lodge Rd, London NW8 7JT

The venue is located in the very heart of the London overlooking Regents Park and Lord’s Cricket Ground. 
Being just a 10 minute walk from St. John’s Wood tube station, the hotel is easily accesible. Parking is possible on site. Parking charges are £35 for 24Hrs or £4.50 per hour. 

Don't miss out on the Early Bird offer £1,499!

ends 28th February




Highlights from our previous Sinus Lift Courses

(If unable to view the images, please try refreshing the page)

Sinus Grafting

sinus grafting course London
sinus augmentation course UK
sinus grafting
sinus lift training London

Other information

All hand instruments scalpel blades, sutures and consumables are provided.
Bringing your own loupe and light is highly recommended.
14 hours verifiable CPD provided upon completion.

Learning Objectives


  • Assessment and treatment planning of missing maxillary posterior teeth
  • Anatomical and biological considerations and surgical approaches to the maxillary sinus
  • Selection and application of graft materials for the maxillary sinus
  • Develop hands-on experience by carrying out different sinus lift techniques on animal heads
  • Indications, guidelines and surgical protocols for sinus bone grafting: lateral and crestal approach
  • Tips and protocols to provide predictable results and avoid complications in sinus augmentation
  • Prevention and management of intraoperative and postoperative complications in dental implantology and in sinus grafting


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14 hours Verifiable CPD

Hands-on Course

World-class Speaker

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