Dr. Joseph Choukroun
Inventor of PRF Techniques
International speaker
- 2001 PRF – Platelet Rich Fibrin
- 2008 L-PRF – Leukocyte Platelet Rich Fibrin
- 2013 A-PRF – Advanced Platelet Rich Fibrin
- 2014 i-PRF – Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin
- 2015 i-PRF+ Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin +
- 2017 S-PRF
- New Centrifugation Protocol
- 2019 Sticky Bone
- 2022 PomPac, PomSwing
- 2023 PomPress
Dr Joseph Choukroun completed his degree in medicine in 1979 at the University of Montpellier, France. He specialized in General Surgery & Anesthesiology in 1981. He continued his study in Pain Management at the University of Strasbourg, France.
Dr Joseph Choukroun is the owner of Private Pain Clinic in Nice, France. He is the Inventor of the PRF techniques: L-PRF, A-PRF & i-PRF, S-PRF and is President of SYFAC, International Symposium on Growth Factors. He is author of several scientific papers.
The Speaker’s Scientific Publications
Latest news
The Gold Standard in bone grafting: Autogenous bone augmentation
The success and long-term stability of dental implants is directly related to the quantity and quality of the supporting bone and surrounding soft tissue. When there is a lack of adequate bone volume for implant placement, a variety of bone augmentation procedures...
Soft tissue management in bone grafting
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Gain of keratinised tissue around implants
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