The success and long-term stability of dental implants is directly related to the quantity and quality of the supporting bone and surrounding soft tissue. When there is a lack of adequate bone volume for implant placement, a variety of bone augmentation procedures...
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Soft tissue management in bone grafting
Soft tissue management has a great influence on the success of bone grafting procedure. According to Prof Fouad Khoury's clinical philosophy, successful bone augmentation requires impeccable soft tissue management. The care and preservation of existing soft and hard...
Gain of keratinised tissue around implants
What is Keratinized Tissue Keratinized tissue, also known as keratinized mucosa, refers to the band of tissue surrounding teeth. The keratinized tissue in the mouth holds teeth in place and protects the roots. The word "keratinized" is used to describe cells that...
Definitely agree on the fact all dentists placing implants need to hear Dr Joseph Choukroun! Great couple of days.